Welcome to SPARKnEarthlyBest

SPARKnEarthlyBest is the result of AllMyEarthlyBest and her efforts to regain health using all the tools at SparkPeople. It is about the journey... the steps taken... the slips, slides, and falls along the way.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 3 and Day 4

With storms and tornadoes, power outages and phones out too, these two days have been full of challenges!

Right now I can't even think what I did yesterday, but today I ate 90% fresh, whole, organic foods prepared lightly at home!  :)  I had lots of water and tea too!  Exercise was more on the "clean-up" line as we had much to do after the storms finally ended and the sun rose again.


  1. Exercise takes many forms. Housework, yardwork, moving, packing, cleaning...for me mowing and walking. Our bodies were meant to move..and moving pumps the lymphatic system...that is the only way it can do its job. SO...keep up the good work. Move, move, move.
