Welcome to SPARKnEarthlyBest

SPARKnEarthlyBest is the result of AllMyEarthlyBest and her efforts to regain health using all the tools at SparkPeople. It is about the journey... the steps taken... the slips, slides, and falls along the way.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Still at it - sort of

What a time it's been - way back in July since I updated this blog!

So much was going on that it was impossible to get enough time online to be here. :(  A lot of my time was spent caring for a new-mama cat and her 3 kittens who became sickly.... hundreds of dollars and several vet visits later we had to realize there was nothing more we could do.... sadly we lost them all. :(  It seems so futile!  One of things I truly despise about this whole system of things we live in today!  I so long for the day when the True God will straighten all things out and make them again like he purposed them to be: no more sickness for anyone, man or beast; no more pain; no more sorrow; no more death!  

Anyway, on the weight loss front - hmmm, haven't even stepped on the scale in a few weeks.  So first point of order is to do that Monday and get back on track with the weigh-ins.  Second point would be work on eating less processed foods - which I've been having far too much of the last month or so.  But traveling times are done with for this year... so much easier to not eat out when you stay home! :)  And third point to work with is getting into a routine of exercise again.  

Why is it that when we KNOW what we need to do and we know WHY we need to do them, we STILL get so caught up caring for others that we FAIL to care for ourselves and do what is needed for us to stay well or healthy or to even regain that?!?!?!?!?  It's so frustrating!!!
Perhaps - just for a while - I need to consider this:
Do unto myself as I would want to do unto others - or something like that. ;-)

What I mean is this: I should do for me the sorts of things I'd be doing for others.  Instead of caring for someone else's needs I should care for my own first.  hmmm

But that seems so selfish!  Doesn't it?

All my life I've 'done unto others as I would have them do unto me' and I've done things for others before tending to what I need for me.

How does one change such an ingrained process?

I don't rightly know - yet - but one thing I'm going to do is this...


Yup, you heard me!  PRAY

Prayer, for me, is so powerful!  When I don't know what's right to do I pray to the supreme being of the universe, the one who knows all things, to guide me in doing what's best for the moment.  Never has prayer failed to help me!  Never has the True God failed to care for me in the most complete way.  It's just that I'm stubborn enough at times to not see the sense in something and so I chose a different way.  Well, I must humble myself in this matter - because I've tried numerous ways to lose weight, to stick to a plan for better health, to make needed changes... and I'm still here with 100+ pounds to lose!

You do know, with God all things are possible! :)

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