Welcome to SPARKnEarthlyBest

SPARKnEarthlyBest is the result of AllMyEarthlyBest and her efforts to regain health using all the tools at SparkPeople. It is about the journey... the steps taken... the slips, slides, and falls along the way.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

For the past 18 days I've been tracking all my food and drink on SparkPeople.  I've also been logging all my activity and checking off on various daily, weekly, and monthly goals.  

This has, in the past, always been something I fall short in and it seems, until now, could only manage a few days, never even a full week.  So going 18 days is GREAT!!!

At this point it's not even going to matter if there's any loss on the scale next time I weigh in ~ the consistency in doing these positive things will eventually result in great losses in weight and great gains in health!

Somewhere in the backwoods of my woodsy brain there is a notion that if I don't take care of myself, my own physical body, then the care I give to my spiritual body can not benefit me to the full.  Jehovah gives us so much; taking good care of what he gives us is the LEAST we can do.  :)

I think I'm finally getting it right - it's OK to take care of ME first!

1 comment:

  1. YES INDEED. We must treasure these earthly temples Jehovah has provided us. Hard work to do that, though, isn't it!
