Welcome to SPARKnEarthlyBest

SPARKnEarthlyBest is the result of AllMyEarthlyBest and her efforts to regain health using all the tools at SparkPeople. It is about the journey... the steps taken... the slips, slides, and falls along the way.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Some sort of progress

Fall has arrived!  One big difference between living up north versus living down south is the fall colors.  Sure, you'll find some color down south, for a short spell during the fall months; but up north you'll find gorgeous displays of autumn hues for weeks and weeks all around you! :)  It's one of my favorite seasons!

On the 100# goal ~ well, I'm not giving up!  I'm greatly disappointed in my lack of success since the first week but I keep working on ways around it or through it!

The latest of which is creating a schedule - of sorts - something that becomes a basic routine but that must have great flexibility to meet the often unexpected and rapidly changing events in my daily life.

Little by little I'm finding it.

For 8 of the last 9 days I've managed to take an ACCESS bar (very yummy, btw) and 15 or so minutes later spend an increasing number of minutes on my gazelle!  Quite literally the first day I could only manage about 50 strides before feeling wiped out.  Now I'm doing a few hundred; not counting them so much as going for longer without watching the clock.  I note the time when I get on and don't look again until I get off.  I get off when I get that winded and wiped out feeling.  Today I managed 6 minutes!  I do a lot of alternating in speed... starting out with long, slow strides stretching as far as I can, then gradually increase the speed and shorten the stride a bit, then slow it down again and lengthen the stride some too, then speed it up, slow it down... went up and down like that about 3 rounds, or maybe it was 4 today.

Each morning my goal is to do this before getting started with much else.  Twice I was later in getting to it but still got in it before noon.  One day I missed completely.  

I'm looking at this like the SPARK book says; it's a habit to develop, one change at a time.  I've done the FAST BREAK before (a few times) but I guess I'm doing it again.

Usually, in the 15-20 minutes from eating the ACCESS bar to starting on the gazelle I will go over my scripture for the day and meditate on it while exercising.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD JOB! (sorry to be a bit late reading/commenting on all this). When I finally got in gear, I could barely walk up and down my driveway without discomfort of some kind. NOW I am walking, climbing stairs, doing T-tapp and adding anything else I can fit in comfortably. I am NOT an athletic person...I would much rather find a comfy chair and a good book...but I am FEELING so much better.

    The Feeling Better is good incentive to keep doing better.

    I don't know where you are on your changing habits, exercise etc. journey now..but DON'T STOP. Those seeming baby steps turn into giant strides!

    I am PROUD of you! Keep GOING!!
