Welcome to SPARKnEarthlyBest

SPARKnEarthlyBest is the result of AllMyEarthlyBest and her efforts to regain health using all the tools at SparkPeople. It is about the journey... the steps taken... the slips, slides, and falls along the way.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Days 5 & 6

Life has been hectic and crazy since storms moved in back on Wednesday.  A few tornadoes and some flooding later and we're all fine.  Power is staying on; phones are finally working again; and I've done my best to eat healthy and avoid the junk.

There are many reasons why I could have completely failed at keeping to my plan for losing weight during these last few days but I'm too exhausted to expand on that right now.  I feel I've done well.  

Tomorrow we shall see what the scale says... will I make the 2 pounds? or come short?


  1. Keep going. You are off to a great start!

  2. Like Dori says: "Just keep swimming" (in Nemo) that's what I'll do - just keep going. :)
