Tuesday, September 20, 2011 marks yet another beginning for me...
my family! (little do they know – hehehe)
the start of a 100 day countdown to a better life – for all of us!
SPARKnEarthlyBest it's continuing my quest to lose 100 pounds. Yeah,
a year has come and gone and I didn't meet that goal. :( I am
however 50 pounds lighter – so there is clear and definite
progress! Ultimately I will be eating 100% whole foods and
absolutely nothing commercially processed or produced. This journey
will not really ever end either as all of us, until we can gain
perfection, will always have some aspect of our health to improve
upon. Given all that – let's just see where we are at in 100 days!
For All My Earthly Best it's moving forward in becoming GREENER and more completely self-sufficient. This project is ongoing with no foreseeable end as it is my opinion that one can ALWAYS improve upon any given circumstance or situation. But – for 100 days I plan to increase focus on a few matters that will directly impact our environment for the better!
Andee365 it will become a test to see how much can be accomplished in
100 days! We are all working at ways to gain self-sufficiency; to
reach that point where there is no need to depend upon others for
that which we need. We need to find another house – perhaps to buy
– maybe even out in the country where we are more free to adjust
our lives to living more on our own and less dependent upon what
others provide. No, we won't move anytime soon – unless we are
given a miracle or two. ;-) But we will build up our resources, cut
down our wastes, fine tune our wants, and – in 100 days – find
ourselves in a better place in many ways. :)
is a Bible verse that states:
you are doing, work at it whole-souled, as to Jehovah, and not to
men.” Colossians 3:23 NWT
you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not
human masters.” Colossians 3:23 NIV
willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord
rather than for people.” Colossians 3:23 NLT
it is stated, the idea is the same: whatever it is you are doing (so
not just things you do that are specifically religious in nature), do
that work in the best way and mood possible (give it everything
you've got and give it joyfully), just as if you were being asked by
God, himself (by the most supreme being in the universe) to get that
task done.
a Bible Student I take this very seriously. I realize that in this
regard too, there is always room for improvement. So this next 100
days as I work towards a better life by making specific, focused
efforts in several areas of life, simultaneously I will do so
“whole-heartedly” and “gladly” and with my best possible
efforts regardless of the obstacles and challenges that are put in
front of me!
of the key factors that will allow me to accomplish these goals
begins here:
and if you wish to know more on that just fill in the “Request
Info” form and submit it to me. :)
next 100 days I am DOING WITH A PURPOSE!